Dec 18, 2019
Our guest today has some harrowing stories of how he has done ministry in some of the most dangerous places. Serving with AIM Air, Jim Streit is a missionary pilot who has been flying throughout East Africa for the past 34 years.
AIM is primarily a church-planting mission, with a heart for Africa’s unreached. About...
Dec 5, 2019
Have you heard of the lost boys of Sudan? On this week’s podcast, Greg Kelley interviews a man named Jacob Atem who was one of those lost boys.
During the civil war in Sudan from 1993 to 2005 thousands of children were separated from their families. Jacob was one of those boys.
Hear Jacob’s first-hand account of...
Nov 20, 2019
Many Christians today have don’t understand Jesus’ final command before he left the earth.
Today’s guest has dedicated the last 15 years making this command, the Great Commission, clear to believers. Greg Kelley interviews Marty Meyer founder of YWAM Idaho (Youth with a Mission).
He even wrote a book...
Oct 29, 2019
This week our guest host is Jon Fugler.
Jon is on location in West Africa and while there he had the great pleasure of interviewing a man named Joshua, whose last name we can’t give for security reasons.
Joshua is a pastor and a full-time Christian worker who has served in Nigeria for 40 years.
Nigeria is a place we...
Sep 24, 2019
Believers are being persecuted to a greater degree than ever. Our guest this week is John Grooter, the producer of the award-winning film, “Tortured for Christ.” He shares his heart for the gospel and his passion to use film to advance the Kingdom of God in the hardest places.
Telling the story of his recent trip to...